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J Print’s unique linear transfer arrangement assures you of trouble-free printing on both sides of the sheet in one pass. The upper and lower unit design of the J Print eliminates problems traditionally associated with perfecting presses.


Akiyama’s and the printing industry’s first new design in sheetfed offset presses in many years.

J Print’s unique linear transfer arrangement assures you of trouble-free printing on both sides of the sheet in one pass. The upper and lower unit design of the J Print eliminates problems traditionally associated with perfecting presses.

Akiyama’s impression cylinder design uses ceramic jackets to assure high quality printing. With its compact design, J Print takes up less space and makes working around the press easier, resulting in faster makeready and less fatigue of the press crew.

As with all Akiyama presses, the J Print has been designed for ease of operation. It is built with rock-solid precision, providing the same low-maintenance, high reliability performance on which we have built our reputation.

Both sides of the sheet are printed without reversing or restacking. There is minimal sheet handing resulting in minimal paper waste and extremely high accuracy of register throughout the run.

Each upper and lower unit combination has its own Plate, Blanket, Impression and Transfer cylinders for accurate register and high print quality.


One pass through the press gives you outstanding quality even on light weight stock.
The conventional two-sided printing method requires waiting for the first side to dry before reversing the sheet to print the other side. While waiting to print the other side, sheet instability can set in. The resulting delay often causes paper feeder problems and more waste.

pro2_08The same gripper edge of the sheet is maintained throughout the run providing accurate register between both sides of the sheet. Dot reproduction is sharp and lustrous and there is no difference in quality between the front and back sides.
Cylinder grippers and gripper bases are manufactured from ultra hardened steel. Needle bearings are used in the grippers on the impression and transfer cylinders to reduce friction.